Friday, June 30, 2006

First of all, everyone should see the Al Gore movie, An Inconvenient Truth. It has a really important and powerful message that should make everyone want to do more to stop pollution. The movie shows overwhelming evidence that supports the what scientists have been saying for years- that global warming is happening and it is caused by humans. But there is something that no one is saying about this movie that is unbelievably hard to deny- it is boring. For one, leave it up to a democrat to use the word "inconvenient" in the title of a movie describing global disaster. I know, its a clever title but just not very gripping. Couldn't it have been something like- 'Holy Shit! We're All Gonna Die Unless We Do Something Now!!!'? Well, the movie is a lot like its title- clever but makes me want to sleep. It made me remember why Al Gore wasn't elected back in 2000, not because of his message but because his monotone voice makes me want to stab myself in the neck!
Okay, now I feel bad. I really like Al Gore and his message. I think it was very smart and courageous of him to do this movie. I applaud him for it, I just don't want to have to watch it again. I felt I was back in school in a lecture listening to the most boring professor ever. Oh my god! I just wanted it to be over!!!
Oops, there I go again. I'm sorry. See this movie! You owe it to future generations! Its so important! On importance, this movie alone should get 5 butters, but as a movie standing alone it should only get a half of a butter. So I'm compromising and giving it 3 1/2 out of 5 butters- enough to be recommended for its powerful message without my friends getting ticked off at me for saying how good it was- cause it does suck as a movie. Al Gore really should have gotten Michael Moore to direct it, someone who knows how to do a documentary. Maybe he could do a sequel?!! I bet he could come up with a more intense title too.

I like this sticker from Hoffmania.
Looters given 15-year terms
Wow, 15 years?!! Isn't that a bit harsh? And for a crime they weren't even able to carry out? And one of the three on trial even has a tear-jerker story about going in to get medicine for his sick mum:
Pearson, who had a clean criminal history, testified he went to the store to get insulin for his ailing mother, who stayed home through the storm and was running low on her medication. Deputies later confirmed Pearson's story and delivered the insulin to his mother, according to testimony.

Released from jail on bond, Little was later hired by the same store she was accused of looting, the store manager testified.

So yeah, 15 years. Crazy.
Olbermann is teasing Bill O'Reilly again. I almost feel bad for Papa Bear. Almost.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Here are a few pictures of the fire taken from the camera on my cell phone. I was only just now able to get them onto a computer.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Here's an aerial photo of the church from This is above the side street from the rear of the building. You can see the tower on the upper left hand side of the photo. Some of the neighborhood as well as our city council woman are trying to save what's left of the tower for its historic value while the owner and the fire department want it all torn down. I just hope it doesn't fall on anyone while they're arguing about it.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Update on the fire: It wasn't actually out before. In fact, they are still spraying water on it 11 hours after it started. Parts of the brick structure have even begun to collapse.
The picture shows what it looked like about 20 minutes before this post.
So far no other buildings have any substantial damage.
Scary thing happened last night:
So its 2:00 in the morning, I'm sleeping like a baby when suddenly I hear running footsteps coming from my upstairs neighbor- and I mean frantic running! So I start to get up to check things out when my door buzzer starts going nuts. I look outside my bedroom door and all the windows are glowing orange! A fire! But is it my building? My next door neighbor's? I grab my cell phone, keys and a pair of shoes and run outside, its the big 150 year old brick church on the corner. Burning embers are flying everywhere, I'm worried that they're falling on me! The flames are enormous, like 60-70 feet high! Fire trucks are there- about three of them at first. More came later. They started knocking in my neighbors' doors to make sure everyone was out. It seemed like the whole neighborhood woke up and went across the street to the park to watch yet another historic building in flames. It wasn't that long ago that the Coliseum Theatre was also burned to the ground, and that was only a block away. Here's the story from WDSU. I think they were the only news channel that covered it, I guess everyone else was sleeping. Must be nice. What a crazy night. The fire is out but there is fear that it still might collapse. I'm still not sure if I'm able to stay in my apartment, not that I'd want to really, since the electricity is out and today is another nasty humid/ hot day. Oh well, at least I was able to go in and get my computer and some clothes. Yay for a change of clothes!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Kathleen Blanco wishes the bills she signs into laws could be different.

Louisiana gov. signs law that would ban abortions
"The central provision of the bill supports and reflects my personal beliefs," she said in a statement, adding she had hoped for legislation with exceptions for rape and incest.
Yes, all she could have done was hoped because she is just a lowly governor with only the piddly power of the veto- what could she possibly do with a veto? Maybe put a nice doiley on it?

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Omen. 662006. Is that what the mark says? Well either way, scary little Damien is back just in time for a creepy date. The story is pretty simple: a couple are about to have a baby, baby dies, husband replaces baby with jackal-born demon child who begins killing people to eventually cause Armageddon. The end. Now for some reason the audience kept laughing at all the scariest moments, as if they weren’t scary at all but actually funny for trying to be scary. How will they ever understand the fear brought on by a cute wittle boy with slightly chubby cheeks who wears a red shirt in that one scene. It’s a red shirt!!! That's so creepy! In one scene, there is a dream sequence where Damien has got strawberry jelly on his face and he's got his little bear-claws out screaming "rraaahhhh". I almost lost it. So scary! They did have a scene or two added for a "boo" effect like something jumping out and a few gory moments but the fear from this movie lay with the pouty face wittle demon-boy. Awwwwe… Damien wants to kill everybody… awwwwe. This movie was okay. I’d give it 2 1/2 out of 5 butters. One for each pinchable little cheek and 1/2 for the red shirt.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Here is a funny story about a scaredy-bear up a tree.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Matt Lauer gets testy with Ann Coulter. She is trying to demonize the 9/11 widows. What's funny to me is that she is angry that its the actual victims who are the ones being critical of our government. She calls it "liberal infallibility", which makes no sense. She's basically saying that because they are the people who are directly affected by a tragedy, they should not speak out because it appears wrong to respond to them in an ugly manner. Yes, Ann. You do seem like a jerk when you say 9/11 widows are "enjoying their husbands' deaths". What a crazy loon... or maybe the "beast" everyone was talking about yesterday.
In case you missed it like I did, Jon Stewart crushes this guy.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

So guess what the Louisiana legislature thinks is the most important thing to discuss during the beginning of hurricane season when we still don't have adequate levee protection? That's right, taking away a women's right to choose.
Abortion ban clears Legislature
Blanco is expected to sign bill into law
The worst part is, the Louisiana legislature is democrat lead. Our governor is a democrat and said she plans on signing it. Of course nothing will take affect unless Roe vs. Wade is overturned. So the big question is, why would Louisiana politicians take this up? Could it be the billions of hurricane rebuilding dollars that haven't yet been allocated to the state. Is this some kind of extortion from the republican lead US Legislature &/or White House? I know I'm getting paranoid, but when a democrat lead state government is one of the first to step up to take away a woman's right to choose, something is seriously wrong.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Check out this photo of Bush in this story about gay marriage. Very funny CNN.
Good-bye Katie Couric. All the people who wake up early enough to watch Today Show will miss her deeply. And just so you know, Katie Couric is a serious news reporter- sort of like Edward R. Murrow but really perky with cute haircuts and a fun personality! She takes you places none other would dare to go- like the inside of her colon. But now so many people who enjoy waking up to that infectious smile, will have to relegate that obsession to the evening news where she will be filling the shoes of such former anchors as Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather. The CBS evening news will now have the perkiness that was lacking when reporting on such serious issues as war, death and disease. Nothing but Katie Couric’s smile could make me feel better about death and destruction! Yay!!!

Friday, June 02, 2006

If only C-Span were more like this. Yum.
Can you guess which U.S. President wins the 'worst president since WWII' award?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

U.S. Representative William Jefferson of New Orleans is angry. Not so much because the FBI searched his home for evidence of bribery, but because it was a surprise search and it didn't allow him the opportunity to...not appear so guilty; like when they found $90,000 in his freezer or when they found him stuffing documents in a blue bag during the search. So his strategy to show the public he's innocent is to argue that he didn't have enough time to clean up before they arrived? Maybe he should just write "guilty" on his forehead, jump up and down and scream about missing ropes and handles because the only "innocent" plea that anyone would believe now is by reason of insanity.