First of all, everyone should see the Al Gore movie, An Inconvenient Truth. It has a really important and powerful message that should make everyone want to do more to stop pollution. The movie shows overwhelming evidence that supports the what scientists have been saying for years- that global warming is happening and it is caused by humans. But there is something that no one is saying about this movie that is unbelievably hard to deny- it is boring. For one, leave it up to a democrat to use the word "inconvenient" in the title of a movie describing global disaster. I know, its a clever title but just not very gripping. Couldn't it have been something like- 'Holy Shit! We're All Gonna Die Unless We Do Something Now!!!'? Well, the movie is a lot like its title- clever but makes me want to sleep. It made me remember why Al Gore wasn't elected back in 2000, not because of his message but because his monotone voice makes me want to stab myself in the neck!
Okay, now I feel bad. I really like Al Gore and his message. I think it was very smart and courageous of him to do this movie. I applaud him for it, I just don't want to have to watch it again. I felt I was back in school in a lecture listening to the most boring professor ever. Oh my god! I just wanted it to be over!!!
Oops, there I go again. I'm sorry. See this movie! You owe it to future generations! Its so important! On importance, this movie alone should get 5 butters, but as a movie standing alone it should only get a half of a butter. So I'm compromising and giving it 3 1/2 out of 5 butters- enough to be recommended for its powerful message without my friends getting ticked off at me for saying how good it was- cause it does suck as a movie. Al Gore really should have gotten Michael Moore to direct it, someone who knows how to do a documentary. Maybe he could do a sequel?!! I bet he could come up with a more intense title too.
Okay, now I feel bad. I really like Al Gore and his message. I think it was very smart and courageous of him to do this movie. I applaud him for it, I just don't want to have to watch it again. I felt I was back in school in a lecture listening to the most boring professor ever. Oh my god! I just wanted it to be over!!!
Oops, there I go again. I'm sorry. See this movie! You owe it to future generations! Its so important! On importance, this movie alone should get 5 butters, but as a movie standing alone it should only get a half of a butter. So I'm compromising and giving it 3 1/2 out of 5 butters- enough to be recommended for its powerful message without my friends getting ticked off at me for saying how good it was- cause it does suck as a movie. Al Gore really should have gotten Michael Moore to direct it, someone who knows how to do a documentary. Maybe he could do a sequel?!! I bet he could come up with a more intense title too.
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