Note to Obama: I don't think all that many people, especially on the right, are too crazy about being called "middle class". I personally don't care, but a couple of my friends who have more right-sided political views will not ever consider themselves as "middle class" even though financially speaking- they would fit quite nicely into that definition. I tried to explain to them while they are very "classy", by their income they would most probably be considered middle class- but they weren't having it. I think he should take the word "class" out of the rhetoric. Think about what that word could potentially mean. While it could mean this:
It could also Mean:
See the problem?
Main Entry: class
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: A division of persons or things by quality, rank, or grade.
Synonyms: bracket, grade, league, order, rank, tier
It could also Mean:
Main Entry: class
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: High style in quality, manner, or dress.
Synonyms: quality, refinement
See the problem?
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