Tuesday, November 27, 2007

No Country For Old Men made my brain feel all itchy. I realize it's because I've been getting accustomed to movies that require no thinking at all. But this one is different, it doesn't force feed you the plot but at times only hints at important plot developments. And forget about any of the typical emotionally manipulative musical scores- you hear what the character's hear and that's it. It was very violent but I think that it needed to be. It really makes you see what a heartless person the villain is. And many times the violence isn't onscreen, but you just know and your heart sinks.
The baddy is a guy named Anton Chigurh. He's really mean. His voice is amazingly deep which makes him just that much more creepy. The other main characters are played by Josh Brolin and Tommy Lee Jones.
Here are the basics: Brolin's character Llewelyn Moss comes across a couple million dollars from a drug deal gone wrong. People are after him, most importantly Chigurh. And Sheriff Bell (TLJones) keeps finding the bodies of the people Chigurh kills on his way to find Llewelyn, whose name rhymes with Sue Ellen. Oh and it's directed by the Coen brothers which is all I needed to know. And it's probably better seeing in the theatre, so you should see it now! Even if you're a little queazy at the sight of blood or needles or both simultaneously. Get over it-its so good! I'm still playing scenes over in my mind trying to figure everything out. I think I'll have to see it again soon to answer some of the nagging questions I can't let rest. Because of this, No Country for Old Men gets the most butters the churn can possibly produce- 5 puzzling yet suspenseful butterballs.
And after you watch it you should go to the forum on IMDB to see all the wacky theories people have about this movie. Good stuff.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sylvester Stallone is making a movie about Edgar Allen Poe. He will be writing and directing it and Viggo Mortensen will have the title role. I so wish I was kidding. Yeah, he's doing this right after Rambo. I have a better idea, he should really write and direct a sequel to Over The Top or Cobra and leave the Poe story to someone a little more in tune with Poe's work like the obvious Tim Burton or any number of horror film makers. I'm just trying to figure out how Stallone is going to focus Viggo Mortensen's/Poe's muscular physique when fashions in that time were a bit more formal than the typical torn off sleeve look I'm so used to in Stallone movies.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wow, with this car you can save money on gas by eating a lighter lunch!!! Very coo, but I wouldn't recommend it in most U.S. cities, especially Metairie, Louisiana where I happen to work. In Metairie, everyone seems to own a giant-size vehicle and it had just recently placed 3rd in the country for the number of tickets issued for running red lights. Its the scariest place for little cars you can imagine!!!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

A curious bit of antiquity. Go here for a longer version with mind blowing dance moves.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Geez, he can't even resign competently.
State: Jordan has not yet resigned