Fox has decided to do a TV drama about the cops in New Orleans two years after Hurricane Katrina. Its called K-Ville. Yep, K-ville. Why don't we start calling New York City 9-11 ville? Oh yeah, because its tacky.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

If you're from New Orleans you already know- before
people ask what your last name is, they ask what high school you
attended. Well I just found out that Archbishop Blenk is about to close its doors for good. Sucks. Both Butterchurn's & Butterme's high school. Thank you Butterme for the picture by the way. If you look closely at it, its an advertisement for Blenk on a city bus, but Blenk is misspelled "Bleck". Which is especially funny to us who went there. Bleck! It was the only high school I knew of that looked like a motel. And it had this weird "mod" system which would take too long to explain but let's just say we had plenty of off time during school hours, sometimes like 3-4 hours in a day. Those were good days. Other days a person might have 20 minutes to eat lunch. Well I hate to see it close. Here's to you Archbishop Bleck!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Do you know how to tell if a movie is not for you? Before it is halfway through, you're ready to jab the straw from your little White Cherry ICEE into your eyes so you don't have to keep watching the thing. That's how I felt while watching 28 Weeks Later. Maybe I had such high hopes because I kind of liked the first one- 28 Days Later (3 of 5 butters?). That one had interesting characters. It showed the means in which the uninfected might survive. You felt for the people- I can still remember how sad it was when a dad was infected because a single drop of blood got into his eye. It was compelling. This one felt more like those cheap haunted houses that people throw together for Halloween with plastic bag walls and scary stobe lights, but instead of being there- you're watching it from your seat in a movie theatre. Rahhhh!!!!! Big deal. The thing is, it has a very promising beginning. But it was as if they thought 'okay, enough of the story, let's bring on the gore!'. And that's exactly what they did. For fans of serious gore- you would probably like this a lot more than I did. Another problem was the believability of the character's actions. Too many times I thought- 'why the hell would anyone do anything so stupid!'. You can make a drinking game of it since it happens so often in this film.
Okay, so I'll give this movie 1 blood splattered butter. And it earned that one for the first 15 minutes, everything else was just kind of bad. And gross.
Okay, so I'll give this movie 1 blood splattered butter. And it earned that one for the first 15 minutes, everything else was just kind of bad. And gross.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Spidey is back! But in the latest installment of the Spiderman saga, Spiderman is emo. And a jerk. And that's before the jumpy ooze from outer space gets on his suit and turns it black, reminding me a lot of Superman 3. So here's how it goes: Peter Parker wants to ask MJ to marry him, but is so wrapped up in his spidey-fame that he doesn't even know that MJ just lost her singing job and has to turn tricks. Okay not really- she waits tables and sings in a bar. Bleck. Then there's Harry who is still pissed off that Spidey/PP killed his old man and turns into the new golbin. Then there's some b.s. about that guy that killed PP's uncle didn't really, that it was in fact this other guy that later becomes the Sandman. Yes, a very lame stretch. Then there's Topher Grace's character wanting PP's job at the Daily Bugle who later becomes some jaguar/spiderman combo. Then there's the jumpy ooze from outer space that makes Spidey have a bad case of PMS. There are a few more subplots, but I'm tired of even thinking about it. Just too many for an action-hero movie and none of them that I really cared about. And through it all, Peter Parker was completely unlikeable. Especially when he turned into Bright Eyes singer Conor Oberst. You'll see. So anyway, there are cool fight scenes here and there. And there's Topher Grace, who looks a lot like Toby Maguire. You know... except good looking. And there's a little cameo of Bruce Cambell that was funny, but all in all- to me, Spiderman 3 wasn't that good. I was ready for it to be over quite early on in the movie. The audience at the theatre I saw it in was pretty funny. They laughed at all these parts that were clearly meant not to be funny- like when PP was shaking from crying from something bad that happens. Funny crowd. Anyways, I'll give this one 2 out of 5 butters. One and a quarter for the cool fight scenes, and three quarters of a butter for Peter Parker slappin the shit out of MJ. Kidding. That's for BB from Kill Bill Vol. 2 who plays the Sandman's daughter in this movie. It just made me happy for a second to be reminded of a good movie while I was watching this mess.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
This sucks. Democratic leaders have lost what little backbone they gained from the most recent elections. I was proud of them for a whole week, that they were able to pass a bill that would set a timetable for withdrawal even though they knew it would be vetoed. They managed to actually exercise this new power of majority and possibly change the course of the war. Most Americans want us out of Iraq. Most Iraqi's want us out of Iraq. The only reason I can see to keep men and women serving there, is to try to stop the violence. But much of the violence is because the U.S. is there. A catch-22. I say we leave and let them sort their country out themselves. If it gets worse, then the U.N. should step up so the Iraqis know its not for occupation that these people are there, but to protect them. If the government they have is worth keeping then their people will decide. If not, then it will be overthrown. Either way, its their country.
I agree with what Rachel Maddow said the other day, about how democrats should write a bill with provisions that the only funding available will be towards the withdrawal of the troops. If the president doesn't sign it, then the war will eventually have to end anyway. But if we're waiting for the democrats to grow a backbone, we'll be there forever.
I agree with what Rachel Maddow said the other day, about how democrats should write a bill with provisions that the only funding available will be towards the withdrawal of the troops. If the president doesn't sign it, then the war will eventually have to end anyway. But if we're waiting for the democrats to grow a backbone, we'll be there forever.
It seems like George W. Bush thinks its okay to harm people because of their sexual orientation.
Yep, you read that correctly- the elderly. Down in the south, we don't take too kindly to old people. Moron.
I have no idea how the bill can be unconstitutional. He's just a jerk and really not so bright.
The White House issued a veto threat Thursday against legislation that would expand federal hate crime law to include attacks motivated by the victims' gender or sexual orientation.
The White House also noted that the bill would leave out other classes such as the elderly, members of the military or police officers.
Yep, you read that correctly- the elderly. Down in the south, we don't take too kindly to old people. Moron.
It also questioned the constitutionality of federalizing the acts of violence barred by the bill and said that if it reaches the president's desk "his senior advisers would recommend that he veto the bill."
I have no idea how the bill can be unconstitutional. He's just a jerk and really not so bright.