Sunday, September 30, 2007

I love this headline:
Vitter, Jefferson try their best to ignore scandals
Yes!!! They could have made it just a little better if they added a parenthesis and it could read:
Vitter, Jefferson try their best to ignore scandals (but we won't let them).
This is awesome! New Orleanians are way too forgetful (and forgiving) of our corrupt politicians and need constant reminding so they won't be re-elected. And lately the Times Picayune is writing articles just to remind you that these guys suck and are hiding under a rock so that hopefully you'll forget that they suck. They are becoming my favorite place to read about squirming politicians. Although, I wish they would use their relentlessly confrontational approach to call more people out. They could definitely go further calling out District Attorney Eddie Jordon (he needs to be taken down!) And how about all those guys running for governor? The president? More, more, more!!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Bill O'Reilly is really “nutty in the head.” This article is about how he went to a black owned restuarant in Harlem and was pleasantly surprised:
“It was like going into an Italian restaurant in an all-white suburb in the sense of people were sitting there, and they were ordering and having fun,” Mr. O’Reilly said on his nationally syndicated radio show on Sept. 19. “And there wasn’t any kind of craziness at all.”

Friday, September 21, 2007

This video of Kathy Griffen on Larry King is funny.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

This cracks me up. Archie Bunker, or so called Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, is calling Kathy Griffen "worse than racist" because of the comments she made when receiving her Emmy at the awards show. And if you've ever seen her show, Life on the D-List, you know that she does anything for publicity, in this case saying "Suck it Jesus, this award is my god now!". She's got to be pissing herself with enthusiasm over being talked about on CNN in split screen interviews. Also, you cannot miss Archie mentioning how people wouldn't be happy if someone said "Suck it Jews, suck it Mohammad, suck it Moses, suck it Hillary." Hillary? Someone get this man a sit-com!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Prostitute, Flynt keep pressure on Vitter
I like this, the media keeps going on and on about this even though it hardly matters... well except to his wife maybe... and maybe a few constituents who believe him to be an honest guy. Its been a headline on for the past four days and nothing is new, its just 'she took a lie detector test that Flynt paid for and passed'. Its funny that they aren't letting it go though- like 'I'm mad that you confessed to sleeping with a prostitute in DC but not here. What wrong with our prostitutes? Huh?!!' I do like seeing him squirm though.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I don't know why this is so funny to me:
Babies Vs. Chimps: Who's Smarter?
Oh yeah, its because they're seriously testing two year olds and monkeys to see who's smarter. I say which ever one is the first to get pissed about having to wear a leopard print diaper should be the definitive winner.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I keep hearing about this guy who made a video of himself smashing his already broken MacBook. He did it when Apple declined to honor his warranty because they said it had "spill damage". From anyone I know who had a problem with an Apple computer, they usually are pretty decent about fixing or replacing faulty machines. I'm thinking whatever was wrong with the guy's computer was apparent and probably his own doing. Dried up coffee stains maybe? But Apple succumbs to the guy's extortion and gives him a new computer anyway. Idiots. Prepare for a mass influx of broken-computer-smashing videos.