I love this headline:
Vitter, Jefferson try their best to ignore scandals
Yes!!! They could have made it just a little better if they added a parenthesis and it could read:
Vitter, Jefferson try their best to ignore scandals (but we won't let them).
This is awesome! New Orleanians are way too forgetful (and forgiving) of our corrupt politicians and need constant reminding so they won't be re-elected. And lately the Times Picayune is writing articles just to remind you that these guys suck and are hiding under a rock so that hopefully you'll forget that they suck. They are becoming my favorite place to read about squirming politicians. Although, I wish they would use their relentlessly confrontational approach to call more people out. They could definitely go further calling out District Attorney Eddie Jordon (he needs to be taken down!) And how about all those guys running for governor? The president? More, more, more!!!
Vitter, Jefferson try their best to ignore scandals
Yes!!! They could have made it just a little better if they added a parenthesis and it could read:
Vitter, Jefferson try their best to ignore scandals (but we won't let them).
This is awesome! New Orleanians are way too forgetful (and forgiving) of our corrupt politicians and need constant reminding so they won't be re-elected. And lately the Times Picayune is writing articles just to remind you that these guys suck and are hiding under a rock so that hopefully you'll forget that they suck. They are becoming my favorite place to read about squirming politicians. Although, I wish they would use their relentlessly confrontational approach to call more people out. They could definitely go further calling out District Attorney Eddie Jordon (he needs to be taken down!) And how about all those guys running for governor? The president? More, more, more!!!