If you watch Meet the Press, you might think that Hillary wants the world to know about her boobies. Yep, her boobies. On Meet The Press. Tim Russert has now become Joan Rivers. But funnier. Hillary is arguing about serious issues like diplomacy for countries the U.S. considers as enemies and these guys are talking about her blouse. And Edward's haircuts. Maybe little miss Tim Russert should start a knitting club. Here is a link to Right-Hand Thief were I first read about the nonsense.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Ingmar Bergman has lost his final game of chess. If you don't know what I'm talking about you should really watch more films.
Thursday, July 26, 2007

The big, ugly, checkered, stripey building with the hat on top in New Orleans, otherwise known as the Plaza Tower, will be auctioned by the Sheriff to the highest bidder. The reported appraisal of the building is said to be at $100,000. Yes, a hundred-thousand dollars. Because you know, it is really ugly. Oh and there's also the asbestos problem, the bad foundation and the countless leaks. Maybe the Sheriff's office should pay someone to take it off their hands.
Update: It was auctioned off today for $583,000 to the last owner, 1001 Howard Properties LLC who lost it due to back taxes. The $583,000 is what they owed. No one else even bid on it. Couldn't they have just bid the $100,000 that it was appraised for? I have become bored with this story.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
If you've ever wondered what is wrong with the voters in Louisiana, this is it:
Actually its a national phenominom but really bad here since we elect the very least ethical people imaginable. Its so sad. People have already made decisions on who they'll vote for without hearing what the candidates plan to do when they get into office. It could just be that no one trusts any of these guys to actually do what they say anyway so we have to go the "feeling" these guys give us. Well for this upcoming gubernatorial election, so far all of them give me the creeps. Jindal would probably have the best hair though if it weren't so badly styled. Too bad he's a purple-fingered bonehead.
"It's really so personality driven," said Baton Rouge pollster Bernie Pinsonat. "¤'I really like that guy' -- 'I like the way he talks' -- 'I like his style.' Even hair, voice, looks .¤.¤. those things have always meant more to voters than substance."
Actually its a national phenominom but really bad here since we elect the very least ethical people imaginable. Its so sad. People have already made decisions on who they'll vote for without hearing what the candidates plan to do when they get into office. It could just be that no one trusts any of these guys to actually do what they say anyway so we have to go the "feeling" these guys give us. Well for this upcoming gubernatorial election, so far all of them give me the creeps. Jindal would probably have the best hair though if it weren't so badly styled. Too bad he's a purple-fingered bonehead.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Remember when going to a scary movie was actually sometimes scary? And not just gross and angry? Well, 1408 is one of those. It gave me a chill the way Poltergeist did when I was a kid- scary and suspenseful. And not because of a beheading or impaling or something - but from not knowing what's around the corner and always keeping me on the edge of my seat. It was fun - the girl next to me had her hands over her face during most of the movie and people in the theatre kept screaming. It was great! The premise was pretty straight forward- a writer wants to stay in an allegedly haunted room that all these people died in to write a book debunking haunted hotels but Jules from Pulp Fiction tells him no one has lasted in this room for more than an hour and he doesn't want to clean up his bloody mess. He goes in anyway and horror ensues.
Sure it had some cheesy moments, but that's easily overlooked when you're just waiting for Mista-Creepy-Crazy guy to jump out and get Lloyd Dobler. And I have to say, he can carry a movie. I'd say about 85% of this movie is him freaking out to the things going on inside the room. Its him talking to himself and his little tape recorder, which is a little creepy in itself- don't know why. But I say this one deserves 4 spooky little butters out of 5. Ooooooooo.
Sure it had some cheesy moments, but that's easily overlooked when you're just waiting for Mista-Creepy-Crazy guy to jump out and get Lloyd Dobler. And I have to say, he can carry a movie. I'd say about 85% of this movie is him freaking out to the things going on inside the room. Its him talking to himself and his little tape recorder, which is a little creepy in itself- don't know why. But I say this one deserves 4 spooky little butters out of 5. Ooooooooo.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Transformers is a fun movie to watch when you feel like leaving your brain at home and submerging yourself into the silliness that could only come from a movie premise created by Hasbro. No, I mean it- it was fun. Well it took a while before the actual fun stuff started. Before that you learn about this kid with a crush and his parents with their obsessions about lawn care and ...ho hum... well he becomes acquainted with the Transformers- the Autobots and the Decepticons and that's when the movie really begins. Lots of fight scenes. Very cool ones too- except I don't think it was really meant for the big screen. At times it was really visually hard to follow what the heck was going on with all this metal dancing around on such a large screen. I know that the there was a lot of detail in the CGI, but you couldn't really see it because everything moved so fast. Sometimes I would have to take a break from looking at the screen cause it was too much. Don't go in with a migraine. One icky thing that a fine gentleman pointed out to me was that almost all of the cars were GMC's- product placement ad nauseam. So Bumblebee which was a Beetle in the cartoon is now a Camaro. Bleck! Why don't they just gave him a nice pencil-stache and bandana and called him Ace? But anyways, its a bit of geek movie, not that I had to point that out. Robot wars always equals geeky- but its a good thing. I could talk about the characters but does anyone really care? Its robot wars! Woooo!!!! I have to give this 2 1/2 butterbots because even though it was fun at times, it really is stupid.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Here's a really sad story about a guy celebrating his first father's day as a dad when he was shot in the doorstep of his apartment and killed. Because of a motorcycle. I barely knew him but he seemed to be a nice person and cool- check out the video of him riding. Here is a fund set up for his daughter in case you want to help out:
Aoife Bennett-Roberts Fund
Whitney Bank
P.O. Box 61260
New Orleans, LA. 70161-1260
or any Whitney Bank Branch"
Aoife Bennett-Roberts Fund
Whitney Bank
P.O. Box 61260
New Orleans, LA. 70161-1260
or any Whitney Bank Branch"
This is funny. The White House is trying to explain away the obvious by "inserting a little nuance" which by Tony Snow's definition means to not answer the question. What's also funny is that somone actually says "you're insulting our intelligence". As if they haven't been doing that from the day they took office. Hilarious.
Scooter's jail sentence was commuted. And if you were George W. Bush you would do the same. How could he let him go to prison? His name is Scooter. Libby. He'd be pummeled and sodomized in a matter of seconds. And Georgie wants to make sure that justice is served by letting the American public know that its okay to out CIA agents and its especially okay to lie about it- because protecting the people who risk the lives for the country's intelligence is really overrated. He personally does just fine without intelligence.