Tuesday, October 24, 2006

If you get a chance to see Michael Showalter and Michael Ian Black's show on tour, you should go. Trust me. Unless of course you're lame and have no sense of humor or you didn't like Stella or the State which probably means you're lame and have no sense of humor. Kidding- this is a type of humor not all people seem to get, hence the cancellation of Stella. But to me Showalter is hilarious. Black is good too, but seemed really irritated by the heckling from the crowd. Morons kept yelling out stupid things that weren't really worth responding to and it pissed him off. Showalter just kept answering the crowd and made it part of his routine. Very funny guy. Showalter gets 5 out of 5 butters, Black gets 4, so average them out and that would be 4 1/2 out of 5 butters- very much worth the price of admission.


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