So about that BBC wrong "Guy" interview- apparently they got it wrong again, he was not a cab driver. He was in the BBC waiting room waiting to be interviewed for a job as a “Data Support Cleanser”. His name is Guy Goma so when the producer came into the wrong Waiting Room and called for "Guy" he stood up to be interviewed...for a job. Here's a BBC interview with him and the real Guy Kewney. And here is the original interview. So funny.
Update: It looks like the BBC has forced to take down the video of the interview with both "Guys". Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
Update: It looks like the BBC has forced to take down the video of the interview with both "Guys". Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
These links don't work. But the previous blog link worked and it is a barrel of monkeys. The best part is his reaction when he realises he is going on camera and they introduce him as someone else.
I read the transcript and his broken English is funny as well.
In the end the clip looks like any other dull interview the bbc aspires to.
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