Wednesday, January 25, 2006

In case you didn't know, it seems the earth is getting warmer. Scientists at NASA have calculated 2005 to be the warmest year since [they started recording it in] the 1890's, not that the people in New Orleans would doubt that after Katrina and Rita and all the other hurricanes that were swirling around. And while some argue that its normal for the earth to get warmer, many scientists believe that the warming is caused primarily by the burning of fossil fuels which gives off greenhouse gases. Like this guy:
"There has been a strong warming trend over the past 30 years, a trend that has been shown to be due primarily to increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere," Hansen said.
Now of course he could be wrong, but I prefer to believe the scientists over...let's say...Rush Limbaugh and most of the republicans in office who have many friends as well as investments in the oil business. By changing the regulations of the EPA to allow for more pollutants in the atmosphere (the Clear Sky Act if you can believe that name), the republicans are not only ignoring science (as usual) but also the possible catastrophic fate which can unfold if the warming trend continues. We've seen the hurricanes this year become more abundant and more intense. The oceans are rising and Louisiana's coast line is falling. A change to a cleaner fuel source could not only help stop the warming trend but it would also rid us of our dependence on oil from terrorist-friendly countries.

And sure, Louisiana would lose a lot of oil money if we were no longer dependent on fossil fuels, but if we brought the science and technology of renewable sources of energy here, couldn't that be our new industry? Now if we can figure out just how to go about doing all that.
Louisiana isn't exactly known for its innovation or initiative so I'm thinking its all a little far fetched but I can dream.


Blogger Unknown said...

What a bunch of schmucks the re-pubic-an party is. They are still trying to get there heads around evolution and simple political concepts like lying and covering the truth or what some may call spinning, are done as eloquently as a Ray Nagin speech. I feel like George Bush didn't even attend high school, with his embarssing speeches and non-belief in scientific facts.

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Earth changes all of the time. Prior to the 1800's did people even keep a record of global warming and cooling trends? I don't know. You did say it was just as warm in the 1890's. Who knows, it could've been warmer in the 1610's??? Weather forecasters stated that bad hurricane seasons come and go, and we're in a bad one. Do you imply that Bush is conspiring with all of them? Now on to coastal erosion. Maps were kept in the past. Scientists have figured out how the Earth looked in Prehistoric times. Land shifts. Water, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions all play a factor in the change of the land. So, even though I don't like pollution, I figure, if we didn't have pollution the Earth would still change. We like to point fingers. If we didn't have pollution or dumb politicians like Bush & Nagin, we'd find somebody else to blame.

8:11 AM  
Blogger butterchurn said...

Oops, I misrepresented. I meant that 2005 was the warmest year recorded since they started keeping records in the 1890's- not that the 1890's were warmer than now cause that's just not true. And its true the weather forecasters say that bad hurricane seasons come and go, but they become more abundant and more powerful with higher temperatures. Is it a coincidence that 2005 was the warmest year as well as the worst hurricane season? Probably not.

And this isn't about pointing fingers about what has already happened. Its about our government making policies that could slow the warming trend by using conservation and alternative fuel sources which the republicans have shown that they are clearly against.

And sure land masses change all the time- over millions of years, but with global warming- the polar ice caps are melting at an accelerated rate which causes more water to take over the land and the erosion of Louisiana's coast at a faster pace. So you know, the whole global warming thing really sucks for us.

1:58 PM  

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