Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The news media is obsessed with Pat Robertson. They've been reduced to watching the 700 Club to find the latest money quotes. Is it really a good idea to continually quote this "pro-life" religious extremist who wants to have others killed with whom he disagrees (he says because Chavez supports religious extremists...weird)? I mean the guy is more than just a little crazy. And this cannot be good for our foreign relations with Venezuela to have this guy being quoted all over the place when he was once a presidential candidate. They need to let the crazy guy have his little religious show and that be the end of it. Maybe one day his viewers will realize what a nutjob he is and change the channel. And maybe the news media should focus on something a little more news-worthy like celebrity marriage problems or something equally mind-numbing. Wait, isn't there a war going on?


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